Our Supported Missions

Christian Student Fellowship: https://www.csfunleashed.com Shares the love, truth and purpose of Jesus Christ with Nebraska college students; changing the world one life at a time.

Deaf Missions: https://www.deafmissions.com Deaf Missions exists for one purpose: To effectively communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ with deaf people. This statement merely focuses the Great Commission of Jesus, which is to preach the Gospel to all people, on a group of people who have generally been left out.

Equip Romania - George and Barb Mihai. Working with a local church and pastor in Braila, Romania.

Grace Christian Ministry: http://gracechristianministry.org Babu Samuel and his family have established churches in the Indian states of Kerala, Bihar and Odisha. GCM sponsors a Bible College and Bible Training Centers (6 in Kerala and 1 in Bihar), where students receive training to help them lead Christian congregations and establish new churches in India. Tuition is free for students who answer God's call to prepare them for service.

Hands of Compassion - Steve: Hands of Compassion plants churches in Asia. Due to the sensitive nature of the mission work in some difficult places, we are unable to publish more information about this mission.

Honduras: Jim and Teri Riley (and their family) have been serving in Honduras for several years. They planted a church in Tegucigalpa, Honduras and have been discipling Christians of all ages in that setting. They frequently have short term mission teams come alongside them for ministry..

Literature and Teaching Ministries: https://www.latm.info/#intro LATM collaborates with missionaries & national church leaders to provide culturally relevant, Christ-centered books in the heart languages of all peoples.

Livingstone International University: https://www.livingstoneuniversity.org LIU is a private university in Uganda affiliated with two church organizations namely the Christian Churches and the Churches of Christ, based in the US. LivingStone International University is an accredited Christian university in Uganda.It is religious and explicitly Christian in its name, in its mission statement, and in its scripture: 1 Peter 2:4-5.

Mission Stream: The Barrons plant churches among the Maasai & Turkana people; develop & implement curricula in the local languages, and also train Kenyans to plant churches for themselves.

Pioneer Bible Translators: https://pioneerbible.org Pioneer Bible Translators exists to disciple the Bibleless, mobilizing Godʼs people to provide enduring access to Godʼs Word. Mark and Martha Huddleston are part of a team of Bible translators, and prayer warriors, who go all over the world working with local peoples to translate the Bible into their language.

South Pacific Christian Fellowship-Randy & Miki Brooks: http://www.southpacificchurchplanting.com/ Planting new churches & restoring existing churches across New Zealand.

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