We believe there’s more to being the church than attending a worship service on Sunday morning! Sunday School classes meet during the 9:30 and 11:00 services and we offer classes on Wednesday nights during the school year. We encourage EVERYONE to get involved in a Community Group to deepen their faith alongside others.

Men of God

Men of God is a gathering of men who attend Wildewood and their friends. They meet the 3rd Tuesday of each month in The Gathering Zone. Dinner is served at 6:30 followed by a lesson discussion, and prayer. There will frequently be a missional aspect to these gatherings as we consider how we can affect our region for good and for God.

Matthew 5:16 Ministry

Based on Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 5:16 this ministry seeks to serve seniors, single parents, and those in need one Saturday per month. Teams of two or more reach out to widows, single moms, and others to do simple home maintenance or to merely provide companionship. Don’t be surprised if the relationships formed while serving with the 5:16 ministry grow into friendships. The 5:16 ministry is directed by Jim and Barb Griffiths.

Downrange Devotions

This group meets on the 2nd Monday of each month at Frontier Justice, 2828 S 82nd Ave, Omaha. This group will spend the first half hour in Bible study, followed by 45 minutes on the gun range. Weapons are shared and safety is of utmost importance. Men and women are welcome to attend. No unaccompanied children for safety reasons. 

For more information contact: 

Robin Ziegenfuss, Minister of Spiritual Formation

Phone: (402) 331-1575